Episode 11: “Dealing with Difficult Opposing Counsel

In Episode 10 of Sunday Scaries, I share my insights and personal experiences on dealing with difficult opposing counsel, a challenge many attorneys face throughout their careers.

Tip 1: Stay Professional and Composed
I emphasize the importance of maintaining professionalism and composure. Responding calmly to hostility can de-escalate situations and reflect well on you in front of judges and clients.

Tip 2: Document Everything
I advise keeping detailed records of all interactions with opposing counsel. This documentation can protect you and your client in case of disputes and ensures accurate records of all agreements.

Tip 3: Set Boundaries
Setting clear boundaries early on is crucial. I highlight the importance of protecting your time and mental well-being by establishing firm but polite boundaries with opposing counsel.

Tip 4: Use the Court’s Authority
When necessary, I encourage attorneys to use the court’s authority to address unethical or abusive behavior from opposing counsel. This can include motions for sanctions or seeking protective orders.

Tip 5: Focus on Your Client’s Best Interests
I remind listeners to keep their client’s best interests at the forefront. Avoid getting caught up in personal dynamics and focus on achieving the best possible outcome for your client.

The episode concludes with a reminder to stay professional, document interactions, set boundaries, use the court’s authority, and focus on your client’s goals. I encourage listeners to subscribe and leave reviews for the podcast.


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