Episode 12: “How to Lose and Still Win?”

In Episode 12 of the Sunday Scaries podcast, I share insights and personal experiences on an important topic for every new associate: How to Lose and Still Win.

 1. The Reality of Losing – Losing a case can be disheartening, but it’s a normal part of the legal profession. Every seasoned lawyer has lost cases, and it’s crucial to see these losses as learning opportunities rather than failures.

2. Learning from a Loss – Conducting a thorough post-mortem analysis after losing a case helps identify strengths and weaknesses in your argument. Seek feedback from senior associates or partners and document the lessons learned to improve future performance.

3. Strengthening Your Resilience – Losing builds resilience, which is essential for success in law. Embrace the discomfort, focus on the bigger picture, and use each experience to fortify your legal skills.

4. Strategic Thinking When the Odds Are Against You – When the law isn’t on your side, develop a clear strategy, manage client expectations, and focus on presenting the best possible argument. This approach enhances your reputation and experience, even in challenging cases.

 5. Finding the Wins in Losses –  Every case offers valuable takeaways. Professional growth, building credibility, and strengthening client relationships are some of the wins you can find in losses.

Remember, losing a case isn't the end of the world. It's a stepping stone on the path to becoming a great attorney. Embrace each challenge, learn from every experience, and keep pushing forward.


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