Episode 15: “The Change Cycle”

In this new episode of Sunday Scaries, we tackle the intricacies of legal practice and help you overcome those Sunday Scaries. I’m Christine Barker, and today we’re diving into the transition from law student to lawyer using Martha Beck’s Change Cycle. This insightful framework helps us understand the psychological stages of change, making this journey more navigable.

Stage 1: Square One – Death and Rebirth
The first stage is “Death and Rebirth,” where you let go of your identity as a law student. Graduation, while a significant achievement, can bring about a sense of disorientation as you leave behind the familiar structure of law school. It’s crucial to recognize these feelings of loss and take the time to reflect on your new identity as a lawyer.

Stage 2: Square Two – Dreaming and Scheming
Next, we move to “Dreaming and Scheming.” In this stage, you begin to envision the type of lawyer you want to become. It’s a period filled with excitement as you explore your aspirations and plan your future career. Balance your dreams with actionable steps, such as networking and pursuing additional qualifications, to make these aspirations a reality.

Stage 3: Square Three – The Hero’s Saga
In “The Hero’s Saga,” you face the real challenges of starting your legal career. This stage is about persistence and overcoming obstacles, whether through tough interviews or navigating your new role. Stay connected with your support network and embrace each challenge as an opportunity for growth.

Stage 4: Square Four – The Promised Land
Finally, we reach “The Promised Land,” where your hard work begins to pay off. You start feeling a sense of accomplishment and stability in your legal career. Even as you thrive, remain adaptable and continue learning, as the legal field is ever-evolving.

Understanding and embracing these stages will help you navigate your transition with clarity and confidence. Each phase offers unique opportunities for growth and self-discovery. Thank you for tuning in, and remember to keep rising!


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