our services

One-on-One? We've got you covered!

Services Tailored to Your Success: Elevate Your Legal Journey with All Rise Mentors

One-on-One Mentoring

$550/hour or $4,997 for 10 Sessions

Personalized and customized one-on-one one hour Live (local) or Zoom mentoring for new and experienced attorneys. 

Our one-on-one attorney mentoring sessions are designed to provide personalized, hands-on guidance to new civil attorneys navigating the complexities of legal practice. These sessions cover essential skills such as delegation, organization, deposition preparation, mediation techniques, discovery planning, witness interviewing, and effective billing practices. Tailored to address the mentee’s unique challenges and career goals,to help build confidence, improve professional skills, and find the mentee’s place in the legal field. We address common challenges like impostor syndrome, time management, or dealing with difficult clients and opposing counsel, and offer practical advice and support.

New Attorney Training

$3,997 only

A live 12 Week online Course offered twice a year, includes group sessions, workshops, office hours, and one-on-one mentoring sessions.

Everyone has heard the old law school expression – First year they scare you to death, second year they work you to death, and third year they bore you to death.

We took the concept and turned it on its head to help new attorneys make the transition from law school to law firm with ease.

Law Firm Training

Pricing depends on the size of the firm (starting at $50,000)

Tailored Law Firm Training program is designed to seamlessly transition new attorneys from law school to the specific culture of your law firm. The live, 12-week online course is specifically customized to align with the unique culture and expectations of your firm.

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