Sunday Scaries

Your weekly dose of legal insights and career tips to conquer anxiety and excel in the legal profession. Tune in every Sunday for practical advice, inspiring stories, and expert guidance from Christine. Whether you’re a law student, new attorney, or seasoned professional, Sunday Scaries is here to help you navigate the challenges of the legal world with confidence and resilience.

Episode 15: “The Change Cycle”

In this episode of Sunday Scaries, Christine Barker guides you through the transformative journey from law student to lawyer using Martha Beck’s Change Cycle. Discover how to navigate the disorientation of graduation, turn your career dreams into actionable plans, tackle the real challenges of starting out, and find your footing in the legal field. Tune in to gain clarity and confidence as you embrace each stage of this profound transition.

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Episode 14: “Know Your Role in the Firm”

In this episode of Sunday Scaries, we tackle about how transitioning into a law firm can be overwhelming, but understanding your core responsibilities can make the journey smoother. As an associate, your main roles include supporting your boss by managing tasks that ease their workload, being profitable by diligently tracking and maximizing billable hours, and servicing clients by delivering high-quality legal work. Mastering these areas is crucial for your growth and success within the firm, ensuring that you contribute effectively and advance in your legal career.

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Episode 11: “Dealing with Difficult Opposing Counsel

In this episode of Sunday Scaries, Christine Barker shares her top five tips for dealing with difficult opposing counsel. Learn how to stay professional, document interactions, set boundaries, use the court’s authority, and always focus on your client’s best interests. Tune in to gain valuable insights that can help you navigate challenging legal battles with confidence and composure!

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Episode 10: “Why All Rise?”

In Episode 10 of Sunday Scaries, host Christine Barker opens up about her own experiences with Sunday Scaries as she embarked on her legal career. Christine reflects on the challenges she faced, including battling impostor syndrome despite having six years of practice under her belt.

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Episode 9: “Why do you need a Mentor?”

In Episode 9 of Sunday Scaries, host Christine Barker explores the transformative power of mentorship in the legal field. Christine highlights how mentors provide personalized guidance, help overcome impostor syndrome, expand professional networks, and support career development. She introduces the New Attorney Training Program, a 12-week online course designed to equip new attorneys with essential skills through weekly classes, one-on-one mentoring, open office hours, and monthly happy hour sidebars. This episode underscores the importance of investing in professional development and how mentorship can pave the way for a successful and fulfilling legal career.

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Episode 8: “Associate’s Guide to Preparing for and Second-Chairing a Trial”

In Episode 8 of Sunday Scaries, host Christine Barker guides associates through the essential steps of preparing for and second-chairing a trial. From understanding the roles in bench versus jury trials to managing pre-trial motions and organizing exhibits, Christine emphasizes the importance of thorough preparation and support. With practical advice on witness preparation, jury selection, and crafting compelling opening and closing statements, this episode equips associates with the tools they need to be indispensable to their trial teams.

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Episode 5: “Case Handling Checklist”

In this episode, we kick off a four-part series on handling a civil case from start to finish. As an associate, you’ll be doing a lot of the heavy lifting, especially in the beginning. This includes interviewing witnesses, drafting discovery, and conducting legal research. Understanding the step-by-step process is crucial for thorough and effective client representation.

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Episode 4: “Scared Stupid”

In Episode 4 of Sunday Scaries, Christin dives into the controversial topic of “stupid questions” in the workplace. We’ve all heard the adage, “There are no stupid questions,” but is that really true?

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Episode 3: “Travel Scaries”

In Episode 3 of Sunday Scaries, Christine delves into “Why Vacations Matter.” Taking time off is essential for mental and physical well-being, reducing stress and burnout while boosting productivity and creativity.

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Episode 2: “Work-Life Balance”

Christine’s advice offers a practical guide for maintaining harmony between professional and personal life, helping legal professionals thrive while safeguarding their well-being.

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